Following my retirement I planned to go into a painting and modelling frenzy. New troops and terrain would join my collection with the speed of a thousand gazelles. There would be a positive blur of activity and the painting challenge with Andy would provide the incentive when enthusiasm was lacking. Yeh, right.
I have finally finished the first ‘post retirement’ unit. Ten weeks, although to be fair I have done quite a bit of re-basing of other units in that time. The challenge deadline was missed by a whole month…….still beat Andy though. Mwahahahahahahahah.
James Long raised a regiment of foot in 1741. Originally listed as the 55th, after a number of regiments were disbanded it became the 44th and then the 44th (East Essex). It seemed only reasonable to second Long’s regiment to my 1740s Essex based but fictitious Gateway Alliance. So I did.

I don’t intend to add any more troops to the Alliance. I may redo a few units and reorganise others but I think it’s time to move on to the ‘other side’ – the Baltic League.
Technical stuff: the figures are from the Spencer Smith 30mm War of the Austrian Succession range. The regimental colour is speculative. The colours would have predated the abolition of personal arms so I rather cheekily used the Long family crest wot Google gave me. The bases are 45x45mm – 40x45mm with a sticky out bit for the command base. I’ll count these as 30 figure units even though you’ll see that there are in fact only 29 figures.
Outstanding unit. Why did it take you so long?
I’ll catch you up one day….
It’s not easy being retired! The list of stuff that I must give serious consideration to doing is seemingly endless. You working chaps with young families don’t understand the pressure. Like now for instance. Should I make my own toast or should I wait for Debbie to offer to make it for me? Debbie always spreads the butter too thin. Should I suggest some retraining in that area (suicidal) or just do it myself? See what I mean?
Thank you for your kind word. Good luck finding the time to finish your challenge unit. Should we set November as the next target date?
A very pretty unit. Pretty slow, but pretty.
They are pretty aren’t they. It’s all that lace. I cut down on the lace (to speed the process up?) but it was still a pain.
Outstanding and beautiful figures Iain and fantastic flags. Counting 29 figures as 30 is – of course- cheating, but you’ve committed worse crimes
I can’t even play with a straight bat with figures per base can I. I tell you, I constantly disappoint myself. The only consolation is that I win most of my games………wait…..hold on…………….
Great looking unit Iain. Strong vibrant colours (whether accurate or not) will always make a unit stand out. Glad to see you are coming to terms with the trials and tribulations and of course the minutiae of being retired.
Are you suggesting that my research has been less than what it should have been? What a terrible thing to say……true, but still terrible.
Lovely job. I will have to try harder with mine.
Thanks Mark. Where are you with your SSMs?
I love their Pugwash faces
It’s simple but I’m happy with the effect. They all look suitably grumpy.